A multipurpose, self-funding Evangelical Christian Church and Faith centre serving the local and wider community in the European Union in North-East Hungary in Kokad village.
To reach lost souls in communities who believe in God and fear him but have no hope that He will help them in their lives.
Pastor them, nurture them and give them the hope and ambition via, among other things: teaching, training, and empowerment to believe in God's word and follow the example of his son Jesus Christ
We will equip people to move forward with the Holy Spirit as their guide and helper to new opportunities using their newfound faith, confidence, and skills.
To do so, we wish to use 2987 m2 of residential land including 527 m2 of forest area
in Kokad village.
Local regulations permit a 1.200 m2 building. Wide asphalt road to the front of the property suitable for vehicles.
Gas available to the property close by.
Water and Electricity are connected to the propery.
Sewage is thought to be on the property but needs further investigation.
It is 6km from Romanian border, 35km from Debrecen International Airport, with flights with Ryanair and others. Debrecen is the regional City in size next to Budapest. Budapest - 1.727.300 population. Debrecen - 205.100 population. Debrecen is an Eastern European centre for BMW.
A Chinese car battery company has just invested € 7.6 billion in Debrecen.
There is European funding and goodwill towards faith led enterprises vis a vis:
"Faith-based organizations play a significant role in development and humanitarian aid."
1. God's blessing - Prayer.
2. Demographics:
Local stakeholders Mayor, Church community leaders and residents.
3. Architecture vision:
Local architect for building permits. Community buy-in. Understanding of future development plans. Understanding of infrastructure as is and will be.
4. Local Ambassadors:
Hungarian speakers, local contractors, local presence, requirements, Ecclesiastical organizations, legal structuring of future.
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all evermore - Amen.”
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
(2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 6 )
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